Express | WebpackThe ultimate guide

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One of the constants in the universe is that repetition is the mother of skill. The things I put in this book came from trial and error and learning from (often bad) experiences. I hope you have learned from those experiences by reading this book, and wish you the best of luck in your next Express/Webpack projects.

Even it seems tempting to just blindly copy the sample project for your own use, I highly recommend to go through the process at least once. A common error in software development is starting your project from some shiny starter or boilerplate. But when shit hits the fan, you end up reverse engineering your project to find the cause. This usually happens at the worst timing ever (that's a universal constant too).

That being said, I created a fork of the sample code that you can use as a boilerplate. I'm freezing the sample code to maintain a proper reference to this book, but the boilerplate will remain updated and will be expanded with more features such as linting and testing.